Saturday, January 2, 2016

No run today.

I've sadly had less than 6 hours of sleep last night, and I don't deal well with that. Let's just say I'm thankful it's the weekend, but it doesn't make the loss of sleep any easier to deal with. 

I could look at today as a failure, and I probably should.  But instead, I'll look at it as a day to relax and reflect on what I have planned for my students this coming week.  I also realized during the night, as I lay wide awake trying to fall back asleep that I didn't say what I ran yesterday, so I'll get to that today.

What I don't like about running when I'm off is I wake up hungry, whereas when I get up at 4:45 A.M. I don't feel hungry yet.  So when I get up later in the morning, I eat.  That means I have to wait at least an hour to go for a run, so around 9:30 yesterday morning I was on my road running in the crusty snow, my feet sliding a few inches backward with every step.  The temperature was about 20ºF and warm.  It was almost too warm for my run back.

Now I say run.  I have to work on my thoughts when I run.  I'm constantly struggling to think of things other than how hard the run might be.  This means that I end up going from running to stopping and walking, a lot.  Even though I try to think of other things, when I get my head thinking of stopping, I can't push past that.  I've done lots of reading about mind over matter, and I'm considering seeing a hypnotist.

So, yesterday I ran my worst time since I've been keeping track.  Below are my last two runs.  Note that it was 2 weeks since I last ran, and I considered 11:31/mi on the slow side for me.  I know that many would consider this extremely slow period.  But my best time since August has been 10:41/mi.

When I reflect on how my run went, it wasn't my best, but then I have to remind myself that I also did laps around anyone who wasn't running or walking, or doing anything physical.  Like me.  Today.  My plan for tomorrow is to go for a run and make it a good one, too.

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