Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Great Start to the Day!

When my alarm went off this morning I woke up to the realization that I just had the best night's sleep in a long time.  I can't remember the last time I slept through the night without waking up at least once!

So, without hesitation, I got up and did my usual morning, pre-run routine. I put on my contacts, got dressed in my workout clothes, and fed Charlie, trying to hydrate as I go, and gathered my gear (Kindle Fire, Bluetooth speaker, and phone) and headed down to the dreadmill.  It wasn't so bad this morning. I could have gone outside, but -2° with a real feel temperature of -24° is a bit too much.  Fortunately, it's supposed to warm up tomorrow, but later on during the day, so it looks like Thursday will be my day to head outdoors in the balmy 20ºF.

I suspected for a while that something wasn't quite right with my running data when I'm on the treadmill, and this morning confirmed it.  When I run on the treadmill I don't use the Strava app because it won't track anything in the basement.   So, I use my Jawbone UP tracker instead.  This works great, but the problem is it doesn't measure my stride well.

For example, when running outside, I usually have an 11 min and some change/mile pace, but when I was running on the treadmill at a pace that was faster it measured my pace at 13.1/mile.  I was doing some speed intervals.  I would set my speed at 5 and raise it to 6 for a spell, then put it back to 5.  

When I reflected on it later during the day, I remembered that when I was at 6 for my speed my legs weren't going faster, but my stride was longer.  That meant that my tracker was measuring how many steps I took, not how long my stride was.  So, next time I'll use the data from the treadmill instead.  Lesson learned.

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